• I was born when you kissed me. I died when you left me. I lived a few weeks while you loved me.
    Humphrey Bogart
  • The best way to mend a broken heart is time and girlfriends.
    Gwyneth Paltrow
  • A broken heart is a very pleasant complaint for a man in London if he has a comfortable income.
    George Bernard Shaw
  • To give a man too much reassurance too soon is the same as over watering a plant. It kills it.
    Sherry Argov
  • Once a man begins to lose respect for a woman because she is willing to subtly devalue herself, he will also lose the desire to get closer to her.
    Sherry Argov
  • Parrots, tortoises and redwoods live a longer life than men do; men a longer life than dogs do; dogs a longer life than love does.
    Edna St.Vincent Millay
  • A man has only one escape from his old self: to see a different self in the mirror of some woman’s eyes.
    Clare Boothe Luce
  • Real loss only occurs when you lose something that you love more than yourself Anonymous

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