I got broken heart at 19, and it was my third heart break! Now, the trauma that I am going through is what to do and what not to do. There were instances when I felt completely down, and there was nothing much that I can do about. Just imagine three heart breaks and I was completely shattered. Healing heart break is tough, even tougher than a heart attack.

Therefore, I ask you how to heal my broken heart? What course I should follow in future, and there are some of the common points that made me heal from the repercussions of the broken heart.

  • Exercise! Exercise! Exercise! – Exercise gives you best escape from a bad broken heart mood. And one of my friends gave this suggestion to work on. When I exercised and went for the regular jogging, I started feeling light and happy. I found a big change in me, right from top to bottom. And the most amazing thing was that my body was back in shape. What more I could expect!
  • Watching Movies – There were experienced people in my company who suggested me to watch movies. Hey Man! Go to theatre, and watch as many movies as you can… I evolved my taste and started watching movies in a regular way. It was the time I found there’s much more enjoyment in life than remaining heartbroken.
  • Meeting Other Like Minded People – In the sequence of my heart break, I was just not going alone. There was nervous break down every time I wanted to come out of the situation. Here again, one of my cronies passed on the suggestion to make a big social circle. Quite obvious, it helped me to come out of tantrums. And now, I have good number of friends who have become my advisors, and who have been guiding me all through the years. The friends have been supportive enough to guide me at every instant and at every moment of time.
  • Reading Books – In books, you’d find everything. Books are good friends, and it is great to have friends like the books. But, what will you do, if you don’t have a reading habit, like me! In such case, the best thing would be to go and read something more comical or watch any animated series which has more ludicrous effect in it.
  • Try Absorbing Your Time in Your Work – When you go for work, you have the best time to spend. It is here that you’d go for meeting people belonging to your profession, and above all, there’s something that always gives you life long energy when you are working. And believe me I have really really enjoyed plenty of good times out here!
  • Make Pets – Pets are good friends, and they make your life filled with energy. When you are not happy, a cuddle to pet will make you charged. Or it might be that even a small kiss reenergises you to the hilt.

Now, what I have learnt is that there’s no need to stop when your relationship gets over! In fact, you shouldn’t be stopping. There’s life waiting for you!

Also read:

Stop heartache – step away from the pain
Broken heart quotes and sayings

Beat the Breakup.

How to heal your heartbreak - Read more*.