It’s natural to be a little anxious to leave a good impression on him/her on your first date. However, if you fail to observe dating etiquette, your date may not be left with a decent opinion concerning you.

Here are few tips for you that may help you observe dating etiquette especially if it’s the first date:

  • Do not be critical ‘You are not very likely to impress your date by turning critical of others at public places. Also, think twice before commenting negatively on various cultures, regions, places, etc. Your date may be having a very good opinion about one or more of these.
  • Avoid being too intimate ‘Remember, it’s your first date. You do not know much about him/her. Though you might have more than a casual interest in him/her, your date may not be of the same opinion. It’s preferable to stay within limits.
  • Try not to get nostalgic ‘Talking about your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend may embarrass your date. You may either get too emotional or angry, thinking of your ex-partner. It will only serve to make your date feel uncomfortable. Besides, he/she may feel neglected. Remember, you are dating a new partner, and your obsession with a previous one only proves that you are not ready for the new relationship.
  • Observe common courtesies ‘Try to be courteous to your date even if you find it early that it’s not going to work. Your preferences may differ. Or you may not like the way he/she looks or behaves. However, your date, like you, deserves to be treated well. If you do not approve of him/her, try keeping your opinions to yourself. You may end the date early in an amiable way, and bid a courteous good buy.
  • Do not try to impress your date by unfair means ‘Do not say that you own a bungalow, if you don’t. If you are not the General Manager of a multi national company, do not pose yourself as one. Your date may turn out to be smarter than you at the game of fooling others! Even if he/she is innocent, for how long can you hide the truth? When the real facts about you will be revealed to your date, he/she will not only be left bitter, but cease to trust you as well. And you will be left with a broken heart.
  • Divide the bill ‘Well it’s considered rather gentlemanly if the man pays the bill at the restaurant. But, most of the working women are highly self respecting, and would not like the gentlemen to pay for their meals even on the first date. If you want to share the bill at the restaurant with him do so. And do not insist that you will pay the entire bill, if she does not want you to!

Though it’s advisable to observe the common dating etiquette on the first date, almost nothing can replace a decent genuine concern for your partner. A nice, caring attitude on your part only conveys that you care for him/her.

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